Direct Access Update

I hope you are adjusting well to the newly relaxed guidelines and mandates due to the pandemic. I am writing to inform you that the new direct access regulations will take effect Thursday July 1, 2021. Below is a synopsis of the new regulation with a link to the law.

Effective July 1, 2021, patients seen under Direct Access can be treated for 60 days without a referral. As before with the 30 day requirement, after the 60 day period has elapsed, the physical therapist may contact the medical doctor identified by the patient (if one is given) to have the medical doctor provide a prescription/referral for the continuation of care. No other provisions of this regulation have changed with the enactment of this law.

Things to Keep in Mind:

  1. All patients can be treated for up to 60 days for a condition. After 60 days, a referral/prescription is required to continue care.
  2. If a patient is seen under direct access for a condition starting in June and continues into July, the original provision applies and the patient can only be treated for 30 days. The 60 day treatment provision does not take effect until July 1. For example: You perform an evaluation on a patient on June 30. The patient can be treated until July 30 and then must have a referral to continue.
  3. Continued use of the patient attestation form is still required.
  4. Continued physician notification provisions as previous.