Asbestos notifications

You must notify us at least five days before starting licensed asbestos removal work. However, there are other instances when you must notify us immediately of work involving asbestos.

This information will help you understand what asbestos notifications you must make to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland under work health and safety laws, as well as when and how to notify us.

What asbestos notifications must I make?

Licensed asbestos removal work

Who must notify and when?

If you’re a licensed asbestos removalist, you must notify us at least five days before starting licensed asbestos removal work.

However, you don't need to notify us before starting licensed work if it's necessary due to flooding or severe weather conditions. This is due to a class exemption that we granted that took effect on 16 March 2018 and expires on 15 March 2023, unless amended or cancelled beforehand.

How do I notify?

Immediate asbestos removal work

When is immediate removal of asbestos required?

Immediate removal of asbestos may be required if:

Who must notify and when?

If you’re a licensed asbestos removalist, you must notify us immediately on 1300 362 128 if immediate asbestos removal work is required.

You will need to give us the following details:

How do I notify?

You must notify us immediately on 1300 362 128.

You must also notify us in writing using form Form 65 – Notification of licensed asbestos removal work/demolition work/ emergency demolition within 24 hours of your telephone notification.

Emergency demolition of a structure or plant containing asbestos

What's considered an emergency?

An emergency occurs if:

What emergency demolition is covered?

This notification applies to the emergency demolition of any of the following:

When must I notify?

If an emergency happens at your place of work or domestic premises where a structure or plant must be demolished and asbestos is fixed to or installed in the structure or plant, you must notify us immediately after you become aware of the emergency and before starting the demolition work.

Who must notify?

At a place of work – the person with control and management of the workplace.

At domestic premises – the person or business operator doing the demolition work.

How do I notify?

The licensed asbestos removalist must also notify us using Form 65 – Notification of licensed asbestos removal work, demolition work or emergency demolition if the resultant debris arising from the demolition includes friable asbestos or more than 10 square metres of non-friable asbestos, or asbestos-containing materials.

Other requirements

You must develop a procedure before starting the demolition work that will, so far as is reasonably practicable, reduce the risk of exposure to asbestos for workers and other people near the demolition site to below the exposure standard.

Asbestos fibre levels exceeding 0.02 fibres/ml

Who must notify and when?

If you're a licensed asbestos removalist carrying out asbestos removal work requiring an A class removal licence at a workplace and asbestos fibre levels are recorded at more than 0.02 fibres/ml, you must notify us immediately on 1300 362 128.

You will need to give us the following details:

How do I notify?

You must notify us immediately on 1300 362 128.

Other requirements

You must provide us with a copy of the air monitoring report as soon as practicable. You can submit this by email or fax.

Flood or severe weather notification exemption

Class exemption—notification of licensed asbestos removal work due to flooding or severe weather conditions

The regulator has granted a class exemption to remove the requirement for licensed asbestos removalists to notify the regulator before carrying out licensed asbestos removal work if the work is necessary due to flooding or severe weather conditions (section 466, WHS Regulation).

This class exemption took effect on 16 March 2023 and is in effect until 15 March 2028 unless amended or cancelled sooner.