Fraction to Decimal Chart

So how about a nice handy fraction to decimal chart to spice up your lessons on decimals and fractions! Got it for you here. Also be sure to check out the printable fraction to decimal worksheets further down the page.

Comparing Fractions and Decimals

fraction to decimal chart

You can print a copy of the chart above so your students can use it as a reference. It also explains step-by-step how to change a mixed number to a decimal.

And there you have it.

They should be comfortable converting fractions to decimals and visa-versa. They need to combine their knowledge of place value , whole numbers, and fractions, in order to have a thorough understanding of how decimals fit into the picture.

We've provided some fraction to decimal worksheets below for your students to get some practice. You'll find the solution sheet as well.

decimal to fraction workskeet 1

decimal to fraction workskeet 2

Our Decimal Place Value Chart is a great tool to use if your student/s need more help and practice with learning to read and write decimals.

decimal place value chart 1

It's useful in teaching students about converting between fractions and decimals because it visually represents the relationship between whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.

The chart lists the decimal values of the numbers from 0 to 1, with each column representing a power of 10. For example, the first column represents tenths, the second column represents hundredths, and so on. This allows students to see how the placement of digits affects the value of a number.

Converting decimals to fractions: To convert the decimal 0.25 to a fraction, students can read the chart to see that 0.25 is equivalent to 25/100, which can be simplified to 1/4.

Another good teaching tip for helping students master this area is getting them familiar with some of the more recognizable fraction - decimal equivalents. For example, one-half is the same as .5.

Another example is one-fourth in decimal form is . 25.