Interest Purchase Agreement: Everything: You Need to Know

If you have a private limited liability company (LLC) in the United States, you might encounter a long-form agreement for purchasing and selling outstanding membership interests.

Drafted in favor of the buyer, the agreement assumes that there are a single buyer and seller. It also assumes that the signing and closing of the transaction are not simultaneous.

Transferring an LLC Interest Agreement

You cannot sell or gift the ownership interest or interest agreement used for an LLC to another party. This is unlike shares of stock in a corporation. However, you can transfer ownership interests in LLCs to another person only if members of the partnership agreement and state laws let the LLC have full-partner substitutions.

In certain cases, the law lets you transfer ownership interests, but this transaction doesn't allow the new person any rights to participate in operating the LLC. The individual only has the right to share in profits or losses.

A contract agreed upon between partners or members of a company is an operating agreement. This document states that members agree in writing to transfer ownership interest to the new party.

You should also draft a sales agreement between you and any authorized party to receive your share of the company. There is no specific format for the transfer of ownership interest within an LLC.

When writing the sales agreement, you should include the following:

Afterward, consult a LLC statute in the state where the LLC began. You should do this if your LLC does not have an operating agreement that mentions a buying and selling provision or if you cannot reach an agreement to transfer your interest with other members.

Complete the process by following owner transfer provisions based on your state's law. Provide other members with a written formal notice about transferring your interest.

LLC Membership Interest Purchase Agreement Contracts

When forming an interest purchase agreement contract, you should make sure the document specifies certain aspects. Some examples include the following:

If you need help with an interest purchase agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top five percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.